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Our Impact

TEDxMileHigh exists to spread big ideas and solutions
related to the biggest issues facing our world.

We are a community of thinkers, creators, and activists with a core
belief that ideas can change the world, and the TEDxMileHigh stage
is a catalyst for that change.

We serve our community by sharing big ideas through in-person
and virtual events and conferences and year-round through our
digital platforms.

Our Impact

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Tedx Events
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attendees at in-person conferences
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countries watching
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We believe in the power of big ideas to strengthen
our communities, and, ultimately, change the world.

As a small nonprofit organization, we rely on the generosity of our community to support the work that we do.

To support TEDxMileHigh (EIN 82-4823081) please click here.

We also have many partnership and sponsor opportunities.
To learn more click here.


Programs to Support

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TEDxMileHigh Conferences

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Speaker Leadership Program

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